Flood Mitigation Plan
The Pulaski Flood Mitigation Plan was developed by the New River Conservancy to offer suggestions on how to mitigate the negative effects of flooding in the Town. Its implementation is overseen by the Pulaski Flood Task Force. The Task Force consists of representatives from the New River Conservancy, Friends of Peak Creek, Town of Pulaski, Pulaski County and the US Army Corps of Engineers. This plan was presented to Pulaski Town Council in February, 2021. The plan has six suggestions.
Develop the Peak Creek Bacteria Implementation Plan
A comprehensive TMDL implementation plan outlines management goals, projects, partners, priorities, schedule and finding along with tracking, monitoring and reevaluation processes. A plan approved by the EPA would open up restricted funding sources for infrastructure improvements. The Virginia Tech Biological Systems Engineering Department, under contract with the Town, completed a plan in January 2022. It is currently under review by the EPA.
Stream Channel Restoration
Execute recommendations in the Peak Creek Restoration Plan (PCRP). Stream habitat and erosion factors were assessed along a 2.2 mile of Peak Creek from the low head dam to Rt. 99. A total of twelve sites have been identified that are in need of restoration. The Flood Task Force and FOPC are working together to prioritize the sites relative to funding and disposition.
Removal of the low head dam in downtown.
Removing the dam would allow the water to flow more freely and naturally reduce the “islands” located in the creek between the walls. Research has begun on the ownership of the dam, sediment testing, permitting, and funding sources for removal. The US Corps of Engineers is currently conducting a hydrological study of Peak Creek which will help delineate this suggestion.
Stormwater Mapping
Map and assess the condition of the stormwater infrastructure in Pulaski and geo-locate all drains and outfalls. This will help to pinpoint problem areas and needed repairs to insure the system is working at maximum capacity. This effort is ongoing.
Flood Plain Buyouts
Identify communities impacted by flooding, access willingness for buyouts and pursue funding. Research is underway and communities are being assessed.
Stormwater Best Management Practices
Identify and prioritize all potential sites for stormwater BMPs within the project scope. A list is being compiled of areas that could support stormwater retention areas and structures. This step is in many ways dependent on the approval of the implementation plan and flood buyout research.