Dora Wildlife & Birding State Designation
Dora Trail connecting Downtown with the New River State Park was designated a “Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail” (VBWT) by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. This designation is an important one for the community since there are many travelers who enjoy such designated trails, and now Dora Trail will receive greater visibility on agency websites and in future publications that promote the State Trail initiative.
Friends of Peak Creek nominated the Dora Trail for consideration. Members submitted the paperwork and facilitated a visit by a Virginia Watchable Wildlife Biologist who evaluated the Trail’s potential for this designation. Working with the Town’s Department of Parks and Facilities, FOPC will continue to volunteer time and energy for further Trail enhancements along Peak Creek including bird habitat and interpretative signage.
Officially, Dora Trail is part of the “Lower New River Loop” in the Mountain Section of the VBWT. For more information, please visit VADGIF.